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DJ Pal and Mr Supa - Paris Rare Groove Mix

DJ Pal and Mr Supa - 21st Century Afro Vol.7
(MP3 Podcast on T.I.M.E.C., 2010-04-29

Some of you might come this friday and check Djouls, Manu & Paulo alias the Superfly Sound System opening for Gilles Peterson & Theo Parrish at the World of Soul party (l'Elysée Montmartre). Some others might go and check Erik Rug and Psycut spinning at the >Godfathers of Funk night (La Bellevilloise). All of them and the others may plan for the next day a visit to Superfly Records (the store will be open!)... or a trip to the Paris Rare Groove Day event (at La Machine) - the annual rendez-vous of all rare groove diggers! DJ Pal 'Bag'o'Grooves and Mr Supa have cooked a b-boys soul-funk mix with 4 decks for the occasion. See you here or there!

Tracklisting :
Sorry no info

Credits :
Selected and mixed by DJ Pal ( and Mr Supa(
Audio mastering by Grant Phabao (
Artwork layout by Djouls (, using the Paris Rare Groove Day flyer designed by DJ Pal

Direct download: DJ_Pal_and_Mr_Supa-Paris_Rare_Groove_Mix.mp3
Category:Guests DJs -- posted at: 6:19pm EST